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Overnight ET Contact/Training Event in Nobeyama Highland, Nagano Prefecture




★ Join our CE-5 contact team for a weekend under the starry night sky of Nobeyama, Nagano Prefecture.★

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Overnight ET Contact/Training Event in Nobeyama Highland, Nagano Prefecture
Overnight ET Contact/Training Event in Nobeyama Highland, Nagano Prefecture

Time & Location

2018年5月12日 13:30 – 2018年5月13日 12:00

Nobeyama, Nobeyama, Minamimaki, Minamisaku District, Nagano Prefecture 384-1305, Japan

About the event


★ Join our CE-5 contact team for a weekend under the starry night sky of Nobeyama, Nagano Prefecture.★

Using a combination of light (portable lasers), sound (recorded ET tones) and thought (meditation/visualization), we'll attempt to guide ET craft into our area and engage in peaceful interaction.

During the event, NEW participants will learn:

• How to make peaceful, human-initiated contact with ET civilizations

• Basic meditation techniques and the role of consciousness in making contact

• The core principles and values of the CE-5 Initiative (Close Encounters of the 5th Kind)

• Basic training in the equipment used for contact and conducting research


Nobeyama Plateau (1,375 m), Nagano Prefecture, Nobeyama Station (Koumi Line)


Yatsugatake Nature House

Web site:

Tel: 0267-98-2297


¥3,090 per person. Includes dinner. (Vegetarian option upon request.)


Nobeyama Station can be accessed by train (Chuo Line & Koumi Line) or highway bus from Shinjuku Station, Tokyo.



SATURDAY, MAY 12, 2018

-13:30 Meet at Nobeyama Station / Free shuttle to Yatsugatake Nature House / Check in / Visit contact site

-15:00 ET contact orientation 1 (for new participants)

-18:00 Group dinner

-19:00 ET contact orientation 2 / Group meditation (for everyone)

-21:00 Field work until late

SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2018

-10:00 Check out / Group breakfast & debriefing at local restaurant

-Local sightseeing (optional): Moegi-no-mura,Yamanashi Makiba Park, Seisen-Ryo


-portable folding camping chair or mat (for sky-watching)


-thick winter coat/jacket





-multiple long-sleeve shirts to layer

-non-cotton underwwar

-thermal underpants

-thermal winter socks

-multiple "Hokaron" disposable heat pads



-flashlight (red LED, if possible)

-camera or video camera

-spiritual accessories: crystals, Tibetan singing bowls, bells, chimes, drums, etc.

The following items are OPTIONAL but recommended:

-ski pants

-blanket, cushion or sleeping bag

~The use or possession of alcohol, drugs or weapons is strictly prohibited during contact events.

~By attending a contact event, participants agree to share any photos, videos or audio recordings taken over the duration of the event. Participants also agree to read and examine the subsequent Field Report and provide any additional information or feedback to ensure accurate and complete documentation.








ライト (ポータブル・レーザー)、音 (録音されたETの音) そして思念 (瞑想 /視覚化) の組み合わせで、ETの乗った宇宙船を私たちのエリアに導くことを試み、平和的な意思疎通を試みます。

【場所】野辺山高原 (1375m)、長野県、野辺山駅(小海線)





【交通】 野辺山駅には電車(中央線と小海線)または東京の新宿駅発の高速バスでアクセスできます。




- 13:30 野辺山駅集合 / 無料シャトルバスで八ヶ岳自然の家へ / チェックイン / コンタクトサイトに訪問

- 15:00 ETコンタクト オリエンテーション1 (新規参加者向け)

- 18:00 夕食

- 19:00 ET コンタクト オリエンテーション2 / グループでの瞑想(全参加者向け)

- 21:00 遅くまでフィールド作業


-10:00 チェックアウト / 現地のレストランにてグループで朝食および報告

-周辺観光(オプション):もえぎの村、 山梨まきば公園 清泉寮















- 日焼け止め

- サングラス

- 懐中電灯 (できれば赤色LED)

- カメラまたはビデオカメラ

- スピリチュアル・アイテム: クリスタル、チベット鈴、ベル、チャイム、ドラムほか






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