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ET Contact Retreat at Fujimi Highland, Nagano Prefecture, September 15-17, 2018 (1)



Jeunesse Yatsugatake

★ Join our CE-5 team for a special two-night contact retreat in scenic Fujimi Highland, located on the western slopes of the Yatsugatake Mountains, Nagano Prefecture. ★ ★ 長野県八ヶ岳の西側山麓にある風光明媚な富士見高原でスペシャルな2泊のコンタクト活動をするため私たちのCE-5コンタクトチームにご参加を。★

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ET Contact Retreat at Fujimi Highland, Nagano Prefecture, September 15-17, 2018 (1)
ET Contact Retreat at Fujimi Highland, Nagano Prefecture, September 15-17, 2018 (1)

Time & Location

2020年10月28日 13:00 – 17:00

Jeunesse Yatsugatake, Japan, 〒399-0101 Nagano-ken, Suwa-gun, Fujimi-machi, Sakai, 境12067

About the event


★ Join our CE-5 team for a special two-night contact retreat in scenic Fujimi Highland, located on the western slopes of the Yatsugatake Mountains, Nagano Prefecture. ★

Using a combination of light (portable lasers), sound (recorded ET tones) and thought (meditation/visualization), we'll attempt to guide ET craft (UFOs) into our area and engage in peaceful interaction.

During the event, NEW participants will learn:

• How to make peaceful, human-initiated contact with ET civilizations

• Basic meditation techniques and the role of consciousness in making contact

• The core principles and values of the CE-5 Initiative (Close Encounters of the 5th Kind)

• Basic training in the equipment used for contact and conducting research


Fujimi-Yatsugatake Highland, Nagano Prefecture (Kobuchizawa JR Station)


Jeunesse Yatsugatake


¥6,370 per person, per night. Includes vegetarian dinner and shared Western-style twin room (2 ~3 people per room) with sofa, TV, Wi-Fi, washroom, toilet, and bathhouse. Please sign up early to hold a spot. This event will be limited to 9 people maximum.

NOTE: This is a two-night event. However, participants have the option to attend Saturday night, Sunday night, or BOTH nights. However, new participants MUST attend on Saturday for an orientation/training session.


Cancellations are accepted without penalty by September 13. Those who cancel on September 14 by 18:00 (the day before the event) must pay 50% of the total rate. Those who cancel after this time or the day of the event will be obligated to pay the full rate, no exceptions.


Kobuchizawa Station can be reached from the Tokyo area via the JR Chuo Main Line (local or limited express trains). From Kobuchizawa Station, a free shuttle service (15 minutes) will transport the group to Jeunesse Yatsugatake.


We ask that all participants follow a vegetarian diet (no beef, chicken, lamb, pork, fish, or eggs; milk & butter are OK) for a minimum of one week before and during the contact event. A regular meditation practice (twice daily, morning and before bed) during this time is also recommended.


••• SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 •••

- 13:00 Meet at Kobuchizawa JR Station / Free shuttle service to Jeunesse Yatsugatake (15 minutes).

- 13:30 Leave bags at Jeunesse Yatsugatake. Walking tour of Fujimi-Yatsugatake Highland (Flower Village, Creative Forest Sculpture Park, Observatory).

- 15:00 Check in time.

- 16:00 ET contact orientation 1 (for new participants)

- 17:49 Sunset

- 18:00 Group vegetarian dinner in cafeteria

- 19:00 ET contact orientation 2 (for everyone) / Bathhouse

- 21:00 Field work until late

••• SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 •••

-07:00 ~ 08:00 OPTIONAL: Vegetarian breakfast in cafeteria for extra fee (must reserve in advance)

-10:00 Check-out for participants leaving today. There is no scheduled group breakfast. Participants are free to relax and enjoy the area. Optional free-time activities include hiking, napping, paragliding, group or solo meditation, hot springs, golf, etc.

- 17:00 Group meditation

- 17:48 Sunset

- 18:00 Group vegetarian dinner in cafeteria

- 19:00 ET contact orientation (for everyone) / Debriefing session / Bathhouse

- 21:00 Field work until late

••• MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2018 (Public Holiday) •••

- 10:00 Check out / Hot spring bath / Late group breakfast / Debriefing session



- portable folding camping chair (for sky-watching)

- warm jacket or coat

- hiking boots (if hiking)

- rain coat or poncho/umbrella

- sunblock

-bath towel

- mosquito repellent (organic preferred)

- sunglasses

- pen & notepad

- flashlight (red LED, if possible)

- water/snacks

- spiritual accessories: crystals, Tibetan singing bowls, bells, chimes, drums, etc.

~The use or possession of alcohol, drugs or weapons is strictly prohibited during contact events.

~By attending a contact event, participants agree to share any photos, videos or audio recordings taken over the duration of the event. Participants also agree to read and examine the subsequent Field Report and provide any additional information or feedback to ensure accurate and complete documentation.


★ 長野県八ヶ岳の西側山麓にある風光明媚な富士見高原でスペシャルな2泊のコンタクト活動をするため私たちのCE-5コンタクトチームにご参加を。★

ライト (ポータブル・レーザー)、音 (録音されたET音) そして思念 (瞑想 / 視覚化) の組み合わせで、ET宇宙船(UFO)を私たちのエリアに導くことを試み、平和的な意思疎通を試みます。










ベジタリアン料理の夕食、洋室(2~3名、ツインベッド、エキストラベッド、トイレ付)をシェアー、施設にはソファー、テレビ、Wi-Fi, 浴場、1泊1人¥6,370(税込み)。3部屋予約済。このイベントは最大9名になる予定ですので早めのお申込みをお願いします。











••• 2018年9月15日、土曜日 •••

- 13:00  JR小淵沢駅に集合 / 宿の車でジュネ八ヶ岳へ(15分)

- 13:30 ジュネ八ヶ岳に荷物を置いて富士見八ヶ岳高原(花の里、創造の森、展望台)を見て歩く

- 15:00 チェックイン

- 16:00 ETコンタクト・オリエンテーション 1 (初めての参加者のため)

- 17:49 日没

- 18:00 食堂で夕食(ベジタリアン食)

- 19:00 ET コンタクト・オリエンテーション2 (全員) / 入浴

- 21:00 深夜までフィールドワーク

••• 2018年9月16日、日曜日•••

- 07:00 ~08:00 オプション:食堂で別料金にて朝食(予約が必要)

- 10:00 この日帰る参加者はチェックアウト。そのあと2泊の参加者は自由行動。近辺を自由に見物するのもいいでしょう。自由時間の過ごし方の選択肢としては、ハイキング、昼寝、パラグライダー、ソロまたはグループでの瞑想、温泉、ゴルフなどがあります。

- 17:00 グループ瞑想

- 17:48 日没

- 18:00 食堂で夕食(ベジタリアン食)

- 19:00  ET コンタクト・オリエンテーション(全員) / 昨夜のコンタクトの報告会 / 入浴

- 21:00 深夜までフィールドワーク

••• 2018年9月17日、月曜日(祝日)•••

- 10:00 チェックアウト / 温泉浴場 / グループでの遅い朝食 / コンタクト報告会


【 あると便利な持ち物】

- 折りたたみ式アウトドア用チェア(スカイウォッチング用)

- 暖かいジャケットまたはコート

- ハイキング用靴(ハイキングをする場合)

- レインコートまたはポンチョ、傘

- 日焼け止め

- 蚊取り、虫よけスプレー

- サングラス


- ペン & メモ帳

- 懐中電灯 (できれば赤色LED)

- 水、軽食

- スピリチュアル・アイテム: クリスタル、チベタンシンギングボウル、ベル、チャイム、ドラムほか



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